Feedback “consumer – production – consumer”
Commercial Department of the Company always works on expanding markets for finished products, searching for new types of resin, the use of which is important at this time in the woodworking industry, or may be interesting for application in the near future.
Systematic information is transmitted to the manufacturing, the laboratory of technical control to study the possibility of the company to produce the Goods with improved or even new characteristics.Having technical control of pilot plant to obtain resins in the laboratory, process modeling products with parameters that are the best for consumers is still mobile and allows the company to quickly respond to the wishes of the Consumer.
“Life cycle” of the products does not end after the shipment from the territory of the enterprise. Between the laboratory of technical control “KARPATSMOLY” Ltd and the Consumer is maintained relationship for compliance with products performance stated in the certificate of quality after receipt of Goods to the storage of the Consumer, during storage at the Consumer and in process of use. Production technologists “run” the products to obtain from it the final product (board) and test the finished products characteristics of the customer, using resins produced by “KARPATSMOLY” Ltd.
Melamineureaformaldehyde resin MUF – is a new type of products. Since January 2012 it has started its deliveries to the consumer companies and since February 2012 has reached a stable level. In May 2012 it was shipped a trial batch of resin to Poland, «Swedspan» company, where in June 2012 was successfully tested resin MUF at its manufacture.