Storage of finished products of “KARPATSMOLY”
To store the finished products there are separate tanks for each type of resin – vertical stainless steel tanks of 200 m3. Tanks are equipped with coils for hot water in winter to prevent freezing of the resin and feed cooling water in the summer to keep the temperature of the resin to 20 0C. Tanks have insulation system that prevents exposure to adverse temperature factors. Railing pump has a circulation line that allows you to achieve uniformity of resin indicators in the entire volume of the tank.
Dispensing knot of resin to the Consumer is equipped with truck weight and a cabin in which there is the monitor of weight and the button to turn off the pumping of resin. Vehicle before serving node load passes control of the purity of the container. Before loading the product, it is circulating in the reservoir, sampling the product, which is then analyzed and stored as arbitration. After downloading the required volume of Goods, the vehicle is sealed by the seal of the Sender.